Bonding with the Licor6400xt... One of the experiments we are working on this summer involves measuring respiration rates of decomposing leaf litter and roots. This involves many days of sitting in the lab pressing these buttons!
Helicopter flight to the burn sites
Now that the eddy flux towers have been set up for the season we visit them every two weeks to collect the gas exchange data and make sure the instruments are working properly. While at the sites we also measure canopy reflectance and thaw depth.
Now that the eddy flux towers have been set up for the season we visit them every two weeks to collect the gas exchange data and make sure the instruments are working properly. While at the sites we also measure canopy reflectance and thaw depth.
Close up of the tundra showing moss, two different kinds of lichen, and some arctic cranberry leaves (Vaccinium vitis-idaea). Anyone else think this looks like an underwater scene?
Thermokarst/Ice-wedge slump
There has been some discussion as to what the proper geocryological term is to describe this feature that has shown up along a stream south of camp. Whatever the name it is definitely pretty awesome to poke around and look at.
There has been some discussion as to what the proper geocryological term is to describe this feature that has shown up along a stream south of camp. Whatever the name it is definitely pretty awesome to poke around and look at.
More roots 'n dirt 'n ice! I took these pictures by hanging my camera and arm down into some of the cracks.